“Canadian kart racer, Cedrik Lupien, completes successful test day with professional race team.”
David Richert, a young farm boy from the Canadian prairies, has spent the last 13 years of his life pursuing his crazy dream of having a career as a professional race car driver. Through many years of hard work, Richert has been fortunate enough to see that dream develop into reality, most recently spending his time driving race cars for a professional team competing throughout Europe.
Richert, together with corporate partners Princess Auto and Silver Jeans Co, has now had the opportunity to give young Cedrik Lupien, a 17 year old teen from Mascouche, Quebec, the same chance to live his dream by providing the opportunity to drive a race car in Europe.
Richert Racing recently flew Lupien to Germany where he was able to drive Richert’s Inter Europol Competition race car for over 100 laps at the Eurospeedway Lausitz race circuit just south of Berlin.
“It’s wicked fast and a lot different than a kart. The race car has aerodynamics, lots of grip and it’s so much fun to drive. I learned a lot about shifting and how the racing line differs in cars from what I’m used to in karts, it was just a lot of fun today.”
– Cedrik Lupien
Richert developed the Richert Racing Driver Search as a way to help give Canadian kart racers an opportunity to make the difficult transition from kart racing into driving formula cars. The program has been designed to not only help from a driving standpoint, but also from the all important business standpoint. Cedrik Lupien was selected as the 2015 winner of the Richert Racing Driver Search.
“I began my racing career by driving go-karts at the grassroots level and I remember what it was like the first time I got the chance to advance into driving an actual race car. It was an extremely special feeling that wouldn’t have been possible without the support of many people, so to now be in a position where I can pass that experience on to someone else is a great feeling.” – David Richert
Richert Racing hopes to continue with the Richert Racing Driver Search program into 2016.
Visit the Richert Racing Driver Search website www.richertracingdriversearch.com for more details on the program.

David Richert with Cedrik Lupien, winner of the Richert Racing Driver Search (Photos courtesy: Richert Racing)