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Elvis Stojko to Test Blanchet Motorsports Touring Car Courtesy of CKN

CKN Exclusive

Elvis Stojko to Test Blanchet Motorsports Touring Car Courtesy of CKN

For the second year in a row, and Blanchet Motorsports have come together to help put a kart racer into one of their race prepared Canadian Tour Car Championship Honda Civic SI race cars.

After the success that was found in Stuart Clark last year, where the test led to him signing with the team for a partial campaign in the CTCC with Blanchet Motorsports, this year CKN opted to select another driver from the Rotax DD2 Masters category, Elvis Stojko.

Stojko has made leaps and bounds in his progression since getting into a kart only a few short seasons ago. In 2014 he challenged himself and competed against the younger Rotax DD2 contingent before shifting back to the DD2 Masters category for the Canadian Championships. Although the results didn’t quite show for the pace he had, Stojko caught the eyes of the CKN panel. He also has ambitions to move onto cars in the future and with that in mind, he was the fit CKN and Blanchet Motorsports was looking for in selecting the winner for this years car test.

Stojko and Blanchet Motorsports will be on track today, as part of the 6th Gear Track Day at Canadian Tire Motorsports Park. We want to thank 6th Gear and Max DeAngelis for inviting CKN and Blanchet Motorsports to be apart of their track day. CKN correspondent Neelan Nadesan will be trackside for the day, posting updates to CKN social pages Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Amped up for the day in a race car, Stojko took to Instagram to show off his ride for Wednesday. Check it out.

And for those who missed the video with last years winner Stuart Clark, watch it out here.

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