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Brian Stewart Racing Karting Championship Releases Shannonville Bearhunt Updated Race Day Schedule

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Brian Stewart Racing Karting Championship Releases Shannonville Bearhunt Updated Race Day Schedule

bsrkc-logoThe Brian Stewart Racing Karting Championship will wrap up it’s 2013 championship season at Shannonville Motorsports Park for a double-header event on August 1-4 during their annual BearHunt. Recently the series released an adjusted schedule for the event, splitting the each race day into two groupings to allow competitors to possibly run two classes in the same day aboard the same kart.

The AM classes will begin at 8:15AM with a drivers briefing, while the PM classes kick off with their drivers briefing at 12:45PM.

Here is the updated schedule according to the BSRKC website.

Friday August 2:

AM Classes:
Senior Medium
Junior Pro
PM Classes:
Junior Briggs
Briggs Masters
Junior Lite
Senior Briggs

Saturday August 3:

AM Classes:
Junior Lite
Senior Heavy
Junior Briggs
PM Classes:
TaG Senior
Junior Heavy
Senior Briggs
TaG Junior
F125 Shifter

Sunday August 4:

AM Classes: 
Junior Heavy
Senior Lite
TaG Senior
PM Classes:
Senior Heavy
Junior Medium
Senior Lite
TaG Junior
F125 Shifter

For more information about the BSRKC Shannonville Bearhunt, visit

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