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PR: 2012 NCKC DAWG FM Enduro to be held at Le Circuit Quyon


PR: 2012 NCKC DAWG FM Enduro to be held at Le Circuit Quyon

Le Circuit Quyon is proud to present the 2012 National Capital Kart Club (NCKC) Invitational Enduro scheduled for Sunday, September 23rd! The NCKC Enduro is the most popular and highly attended race of the year and is designed to provide a platform for new racers to participate in a ‘real’ kart race by sharing a NCKC (or other club) member’s kart in a fun racing event. Races of different time periods will be held for each of the different classes: for example, in 2011 the Novice Class ran for 40 minutes; the Junior Class and Rotax Class both ran for 60 minutes; and the Senior 4-stroke Class lasted 90 minutes! Official race durations will soon be posted on the NCKC website ( <> ), as well as information regarding entry fees and registration requirements. Food and beverages will be available for purchase at the track during the event. Spectators and racers are encouraged to relax and enjoy a great day of racing action at Le Circuit Quyon!

Entry Requirements:

*Open to all NCKC (or other) club members as well as non-club members.
*Registration will be online and at the track on race day (online highly recommended)
*Medicals: Self-declared
*Helmet (MUST BE ASN SPEC – ), rib protector, gloves
*Tech sheets MUST be submitted for each kart
*Tires: OPEN (dry and wet)
*Fuel: Available for purchase at Le Circuit Quyon
*Scoring: NCKC Timing system

Note: All weights are AVERAGES for the team

Enduro team practice will be held on Saturday, September 22nd from 9am to 4:30pm for those racers looking to familiarise themselves with the track layout. Please contact Paul Lalonde for additional Information regarding Saturday’s practice (

We hope to see you there!  For additional information and to register, please visit

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