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By The Numbers – CKN Dash for Cash


By The Numbers – CKN Dash for Cash

What a great day of racing on the weekend at the Canadian Mini Indy as the second annual CKN Dash for Cash took place under perfectly sunny skies (until some rain decided to fall during podiums).

The racing was intense all day long as racers competed for awesome cash prizes, glass trophies, a race winners ring and total bragging rights. We saw many HRKC club members take on a number of drivers who will be back next weekend for the MotoMaster Ron Fellows Karting Championship in Hamilton, along with a few drivers who dusted off their helmets for the first time in a long time.

Breaking down how much fun we had throughout the day, we have listed off a ‘By the Numbers’ list of all the fun stats we came across.

10,518 – number of photos taken by CKN during the two-day HRKC/Dash for Cash event. Want a photo print or some digitals? Message us!

82 – number of entries across 7 categories

$6000.00 – amount of cash awarded to racer winners

$250.00 – amount both Pearce Herder and Adam Ali were awarded for their Sportsmanship in coming to the aid of a fellow driver who crashed on the final lap of their race

$500.00 – awarded to drivers who led the most laps in the Finals

$2000.00+ – the value of raffle prizes handed out at the podium
– 8 Motul Kart Cleaning Kits
– 8 RK Chains
– 3 CKN Photo Packages
– 2 Leaf Blowers
– 1 Set of Bridgestone Tires
– 1 Set of Vega Tires
– 1 Prisma Stopwatch/Tire Gauge

$150 – the value of pure silver coins awarded to Jordan Prior for posting the fastest lap of the day in Briggs Senior

23 – he number of karts in Briggs Senior, the biggest class of the day

42.911 – the lap time ran by Jordan Prior, the fastest Briggs 206 time of the day

11:00 PM – Late night track walks on Saturday evening as drivers camped out before the big race

$1.77 – the cost per lap for ROK Senior drivers who entered the race day

$2.08 – the cost per lap for Briggs Cadet drivers who entered the race day

44 – official laps completed by Daniel Fellows and Adam Ali, the most by any competitor of the day

37.358 – the fastest lap of the day, set by Patrick Woods-Toth in ROK Senior Qualifying

0.237 – the closest margin of victory on the day in Briggs Masters with Darryl Timmers just ahead of Marc Stehle

43.321 – the fastest lap of the Final in Briggs Senior, posted by both Pearce Herder and Jon Treadwell

43.514 – the fastest lap of the Final in Briggs Junior, posted by both Logan Pacza and Logan Ferguson

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